Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
Prof. Dr. Andrea Kohlhase
M.Sc. Constantin Jucowski
M.Sc. Tom Wiesing
Dr. Katja Berčič
Funded by:
A portal for active mathematical documents and an archive for flexiformal mathematics.
Start: August 2008

Funded by:

MathHub.info is a portal for active mathematical documents and an archive for flexiformal mathematics. It offers a rich interface for reading, writing, and interacting with mathematical documents and knowledge.
The MathHub.info system consists of a
- repository manager for mathematical archives based on GitLab that handles user management, access control, and versioning.
- knowledge management process based on the MMT System that provides scalable knowledge management services and math presentation.
- various indices and data stores including MathWebSearch.
- a web front end compositor that combines these into a uniform web experience.
- some special applications like a multilingual glossary and a math dictionary based on the SMGloM data set.
MathHub.info serves as the main data repository for the OAF and SMGloM projects and (the KWARC part of the OpenDreamKit project.