SMGLoM - A Semantic, Multilingual Glossary of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
M.Sc. Constantin Jucowski
Dr. Mihnea Iancu
M.Sc. Tom Wiesing
M.Sc. Jan Frederik Schaefer
Funded by:
A terminological resource for Mathematics
Start: November 2013

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The SMGloM is a structured terminology for mathematics. It combines lexical information about the “Words of Mathematics” (in multiple languages) with semantic information about their dependencies. Multiple services can be derived from this terminology, e.g. a classical glossary and a math dictionary.
- SMGloM at
- the SMGloM sources on, written in sTeX (a semantic version of LaTeX)
- a generated dictionary
- various generated glossaries on the SMGloM applications repository for English, German, Chinese (simplified), Romanian
- D. Ginev, M. Iancu, C. Jucovshi, A. Kohlhase, M. Kohlhase, A. Oripov, J. Schefter, W. Sperber, O. Teschke and T. Wiesing (2016) The SMGloM project and system: towards a terminology and ontology for mathematics ICMS 2016
- M. Kohlhase (2014) A data model and encoding for a semantic, multilingual terminology of mathematics CICM 2014
- complete bibliography
- blue notes: epsilon-baked ideas about how to continue