sTeX: Semantic Markup for LaTeX
Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
M.Sc. Deyan Ginev
M.Sc. Tom Wiesing
Funded by:
Start: September 2004

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The TeX/LaTeX workflow is deeply embedded into mathematical practice. Therefore the sTeX system allows to embed /structural semantics into documents. Concretely sTeX is a “semantic version of LaTeX” that allows to use special macros to encode mathematical meaning explicitly. This is (largely ignored in PDF generation), but can be taken into account when generating OMDoc-based active documents.
- sTeX at GitHub and the corresponding LaTeXML plugin for sTeX
- Some sTeX-based libraries of active doucents on SMGloM, active course notes.
- Their sources can be found here: SMGloM, active course notes.
- M. Kohlhase (2008) Using LaTeX as a semantic markup format. Mathematics in Computer Science 2 (2), pp. 279–304
- … complete bibliography