The KWARC group has developed various added value services based on OMDoc-encoded content, including a mathematical knowledge base, a semantic search engine, management of change, a semantic wiki, mathematical web services, and invasive OMDoc editing technologies. Furthermore, the group works on the utilization of OMDoc to provide Logic Interoperability and to establish scientific Communities of Practice.
July 2001 - April 2008
Adding a semantic layer to MS PowerPoint. -
SWiM: Semantic Wiki for Mathematics
August 2006 - June 2009
A Semantic Wiki for Interactive Mathematics. -
September 2007 - December 2013
A Java API for OMDoc documents - Krextor February 2008 - September 2010
An extensible XSLT-based framework for extracting RDF from XML. -
September 2008 - December 2015
A Javascrip Framework for instrumenting Active Documents with Semantic Services -
September 2009 - August 2012
A Versioned Storage for Mathematics (OMDoc) -
KAT: KWARC Annotation Tool (up for adoption)
OpenMathMap (up for adoption)