Completed, externally funded Projects
OAF: An Open Archive for Formalizations (DFG)
2014 - June 2020
The OAF Project builds a theoretical framework for interoperability of theorem prover libraries and implements an information system that host and align multiple libraries in a joint semantic setting. -
ALMANAC: Argumentation Logics Manager & Argument Context Graph (DFG)
January 2018 - February 2022
Decision situations require individuals and organizations to choose between a multitude of options based on facts, opinions, and arguments about the situation at hand or similar ones. There is already a large set of prior work on the representation of knowledge, inference, and argumentations; the ALMANAC aims to a) bring order into the zoo of proposed formalisms, b) categorize their inter-relations, and c) benchmark them on real-world corpora. -
MathDataHub (DAAD)
January 2020 - December 2021
A Collaboration Project with Ljubljana University -
OpenDreamKit (EU)
September 2015 - August 2019
Towards an Open Virtual Research Environment Framework for (Computational) Mathematics. -
MathSearch: Analyse und Suche in mathematischen Formeln (Leibniz Foundation)
March 2012 - February 2015
Methods for information extraction and information retrieval for mathematical documents with the aim of providing semantically enhanced interaction for Zentralblatt Math and the arXiv. -
FormalCAD: Formal Methods and Semantic Technologies for Engineering Design Processes (DFG)
April 2012 - February 2015
Towards a computer-supported, document-oriented process for systematic engineering design and a semantic help system for CAD systems. -
SiSsI: Software Engineering for Spreadsheet Interaction (DFG)
August 2011 - July 2013
Methods and technologies to enhance spreadsheets semantically. -
LATIN: Logic Atlas & Integrator (DFG)
2009 - 2012
Building a theory graph of logic represesentations. -
OMoC: Ontology-based Management of Change (DFG)
2008 - 2010
Using semantic features in document collections for better change management. -
JEM: Joining Educational Mathematics (EU)
2006 - 2009
Coordination of European content enrichment activities in the area of mathematics -
ONCE-CS: Open Network of Centres of Excellence in Complex Systems (EU)
22005 - 2008
Adding a Semantic Angle to Complex Systems - Logosphere: Formal Digital Libraries (NSF) 2003 - 2006
Integrating Theorem Prover Libraries through Meta-logical Frameworks - <img src="/public/eu_logo.png" alt="Thematic Netork "OpenMath" logo" class="circle" style="border-radius: 0;" /> Thematic Netork "OpenMath" (EU) 2001 - 2004
Integrating Math Software Systems by content Markup for Formulae
Former Internal Projects
We also organize some of our research and development into Projects,
System Projects
Completed projects that focused on building particular systems can be found under KWARC Systems.