Master Student, KWARCie October 2020 - November 2021
Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
I am a master student at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Currently I am working on my master thesis at the KWARC group and got employed there as a Hiwi to help with the AI-1 lecture.
In 2015 I started studying Computer Science at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. While finishing my bachelor’s degree I visited some master courses. My main interests are optimization and artificial intelligence. Also, I am very interested in knowledge management and gaining new knowledge.
Current Work
My master thesis is about the formalization of set theory in KWARC’s MMT system. To achieve this goal I use some old formalizations of set theory in Twelf. Since I just started the exact course of my master thesis is still unclarified.
My work as a Hiwi mostly consists of cutting old lecture videos to make online lectures more attractive for students. Also, I give advice and help to come up with good questions for the students.
Feel free to contact me at annika.as.schmidt@fau.de.