Report on the WP6-WIAS Workshop on Math-in-the-Middle Content by
Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase on

24 Mar 2017
in Workshops
WP6 participants JacU (Florian Rabe), FAU (Dennis Müller, Michael Kohlhase) and UZH (Paul Olivier Dehaye) came together with members of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS: Thomas Koprucki and Carsten Tabelow) for a one-week code (20. 3. – 24. 3.) sprint on the Math-in-the-Middle Content and Logic and the encoding of mathematical Models. The result of this was a significant extension of the MitM ontology (in particular for the meta-theories for Sage) and a WIAS preprint on formalizations of Models.