Seminar Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung
Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
PD Dr. Florian Rabe

Summer 2017
Winter 2017/18
Summer 2018
Winter 2018/19
Summer 2019
Winter 2019/20
Summer 2020
Winter 2020/21
Summer 2021
Winter 2021/22
Summer 2022
Winter 2022/23
Summer 2023
Winter 2023/24
Summer 2024

The seminar is offered every semester. No formal registration is necessary - just attend the first meeting. It takes place Wednesdays 16:15-17:45 throughout the lecture period in Room 00.131-128, Cauerstraße 11.

For general discussion of the seminar, use the chat room

The seminar takes place in-person unless mentioned otherwise. If we need to do it via zoom, we will use the following room:

Schedule SS 2024
Date Speaker Topic Remark
17. 04. 2024 Müller, Rabe Admin, discussion of topics  
24. 04. 2024 Müller, Rabe How to read a paper?  
01. 05. 2024 holiday    
08. 05. 2024 Müller, Rabe How to give a presentation  
15. 05. 2024      
22. 05. 2024 Edoardo Berardi Vittur Aligning Artificial Neural Networks and Ontologies towards Explainable AI  
  Yaping Qu Knowledge Representation Technologies for Narratives, Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage  
  Hyunsook Kim WissKI: Semantische Annotation, Wissensverarbeitung und Wissenschaftskommunikation in einer virtuellen Forschungsumgebung  
29. 05. 2024 Tolga Keskinoglu Polynomial Circuit Verification using BDDs  
  Joud Busaileh A Voice Cloning Method Based on the Improved HiFi-GAN Model  
  Gaurav Bhalala Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: Opportunities and Challenges  
05. 06. 2024 Joanes Irigoien Kortabitarte NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis  
  Shubhangi More On the Forecasting of Body Temperature using IoT and Machine Learning Techniques  
      (moved to June 26th)
12. 06. 2024 Wenwen Wang Choose Your Colour: Tree Interpolation for Quantified Formulas in SMT  
  Ilias Anwari The Eye in Extended Reality: A Survey on Gaze Interaction and Eye Tracking in Head-worn Extended Reality  
  Moiz Riaz A Proof-Producing Compiler for Blockchain Applications (moved to July 3rd)
19. 06. 2024 Priyanka Singh Large Language Models as Knowledge Bases? / Find The Gap: Knowledge Base Reasoning For Visual Question Answering  
  Malika Tillaeva Caminati, Isabelle Formalisation of Original Representation Theorems  
  Muqaddas Ramzan Now It Compiles!: Certified Automatic Repair of Uncompilable Protocols  
26. 06. 2024 David López Caballero How Should We Measure Filter Bubbles? A Regression Model and Evidence for Online News  
  Simon Pfister General Game Playing With State-Independent Communication  
  Chatchai Boonman Confidences for Commonsense Reasoning (moved from June 5th)
03. 07. 2024 Annick Faal Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on DBSCAN-FR Clustering Method  
  Marius Lin Can Large Language Models be too big?  
  Md Redwan Hossain An Experimental Pipeline for Automated Reasoning in Natural Language  
  Moiz Riaz A Proof-Producing Compiler for Blockchain Applications (moved from June 12th)
10. 07. 2024 Ali Kodera TBA (research)
  Shamseldin Elkhatib TBA (research)
  Vatsal Bambhania DeepOnto: A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning  
  Shokoofeh Kheirdastan Explainable convolutional neural networks for assessing head and neck cancer histopathology.  
17. 07. 2024 David Meier Evasiveness Through Binary Decision Diagrams (Jesús Aransay, Laureano Lambán, and Julio Rubio)  
  Johannes Hoang GeoGebra Discovery / Automated reasoning tools in GeoGebra Discovery  
  Bhupali Chakraborty Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks  
Content and Audience

This seminar discusses selected topics from knowledge representation. This is a wide field that pervades all of computer science and many adjacent sciences like mathematics and physics. Typical topics involve

  • formal languages (logics, programming languages, data description languages, ontologies, informal scientific languages, …)
  • tools for working with and applying such languages, both in general and domain-specific ones
  • libraries of formal knowledge and systems for building, maintaining, and managing them
  • knowledge-based services like search or user interfaces

In particular, the primary application of our research is mathematical knowledge, but we are always interested in other areas on a case-by-case basis.

The difficulty of topics varies from introductory topics for ambitious Bachelor students to research topics of PhD students. We also occasionally have advanced talk from visiting researchers.

The social center of the seminar is the KWARC research group, and the talks reflect the current research in the group. Therefore, the seminar is well-suited for newcomers, e.g., students interested in a Master thesis or PhD.


The seminar consists of weekly talks. Every student chooses one topic on which to give a talk. Additionally every student prepares a report about their topic. The grades is based on attendance, the talk, and the report.

Topics are chosen individually with the instructors, typically at the first seminar slot. Students are allowed and encouraged to make suggestions for their topic - anything is allowed that is scientific and broadly related to knowledge representation.

Some topics can be found at (Those are thesis topics, but they are representative of the kind of topics that also work in the seminar.) In general, all papers from the IJCAR, CADE, ITP, LICS, CSL, FSCD, CICM, ICMS, KR, ISWC conferences and related workshops of the last few years are acceptable.

For the record WS 2023/2024
Date Speaker Topic Remark
19. 10. 2023 Kohlhase, Rabe Admin, discussion of topics  
26. 10. 2023 Kohlhase, Rabe How to read a paper?  
02. 11. 2023 Rabe How to give a talk?  
09. 11. 2023 Kohlhase, Rabe How to give your seminar talk?  
16. 11. 2023 Stefan Kiehlburger Spotting Quantity Expressions in Technical Documents MSc defense
23. 11. 2023 cancelled    
30. 11. 2023 Lucas Panzer Annotizer: Flexible General Annotation Tool MSc defense
07. 12. 2023 Yasmeen Shawaat Superhuman AI for Multiplayer Poker  
14. 12. 2023 Leon Huber, Harshanaa Udhayakumar Seethalakshmi Consciousness and Automated Reasoning, Generative Language Modeling for Automated Theorem Proving  
21. 12. 2023 Muhammad Azam, Babar Ali, Layla Kuty Legal NLP, An Overview of Ontology Querying, Unifying Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs start at 13:15
11. 01. 2024 Muhammad Gulfam Tahir, Josefine Kelber A knowledge representation approach for construction contract knowledge modeling, Human-Computer Interactions by Using the Grammatical Logical Inference Framework  
18. 01. 2024 Shawrya Shetty, Aziz Aubakirov, Palak Dubey On the links between Argumentation Theory and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, AI for Hanabi, Ontology-Based Similarity Computation of Two Sentences Using Word-Net Database start at 13:15
25. 01. 2024 Sijan Shrestha, Lukas Stärz Voldemort’s Theorem, Weak Type Theory  
01. 02. 2024 Zisis Erkelentzis, Stefan Demling An Algebraic Approach for Solving Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Evasiveness Through Binary Decision Diagrams  
08. 02. 2024 Suryalaxmi Ravianandan, Mohammad Annus Generalized Set Theory, Automatic generation of short-answer questions in reading comprehension using NLP and KNN  
For the record: SS 2023
Date Speaker Topic Remark
20. 04. 2023 cancelled    
27. 04. 2023 Kohlhase, Rabe Admin, discussion of topics  
04. 05. 2023 Philipp Hutterer sTeX IDE Master’s Thesis Talk
11. 05. 2023 Kohlhase, Rabe How to read a paper?  
18. 05. 2023 holiday    
25. 05. 2023 Rabe How to give a talk?  
01. 06. 2023     moved to 20.7
08. 06. 2023 holiday    
15. 06. 2023 Rithika Cariappa Adversarial Policies  
22. 06. 2023 Dirk Boehme Isabelle/HOL  
29. 06. 2023 Jakob Gross Haskell/Hardware  
06. 07. 2023 Mark Tintemann Metamath0  
13. 07. 2023 Jeremias Mennecke Automated Generation of exam sheets  
20. 07. 2023 Omar Lotfy An verview of ontology querying  
For the record: WS 2022/23
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
20. 10. 2022 Kohlhase, Rabe Admin, discussion of topics  
27. 10. 2022 Kohlhase, Rabe How to give a talk?  
03. 11. 2022 Marcel Dreier Extension of the MMT knowledge base for volume-based mathemantics questions in UFrameIT MSc project presentation
10. 11. 2022 Mark Tintemann LoViWo Extended. Facilitating Further Content Additions for an Existing Knowledge Based Physics Simulation Prototype BSc thesis presentation
17. 11. 2022 Kohlhase, Rabe How to read a paper?  
24. 11. 2022 cancelled    
01. 12. 2022 cancelled    
08. 12. 2022 Alexander Mattick Foundation-Independent Computation in MMT MSc project presentation
15. 12. 2022 Moritz Wurm Links between Argumentation Theory and Non-Monotonic Logic seminar presentation
22. 12. 2022 Sebastian Weber Combining Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Networks for Fault Diagnosis and Problem Solving in Indutrial Robots MSc Thesis presentation
12. 01. 2023 Tim Friedrich Natural Language Processing in Legal Tech seminar presentation
19. 01. 2023 Peter Schick AI for Hanabi seminar presentation
26. 01. 2023 Alexander Mattick Algebraic Effects seminar presentation
02. 02. 2023 cancelled    
07. 02. 2023 Ahmed Mamdouh Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire seminar presentation
For the record: SS 2022
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
28. 04. 2022 cancelled    
05. 05. 2022 Kohlhase, Rabe Admin, discussion of topics  
12. 05. 2022 cancelled    
19. 05. 2022 Kohlhase, Rabe How to give a talk?  
26. 05. 2022 holiday    
02. 06. 2022 Kwarc group Math Archives group discussion
09. 06. 2022 Luca Wolff Automated Theorem Proving for MMT BSc thesis presentation
16. 06. 2022 holiday    
23. 06. 2022 moved to July 4    
27. 06. 2022 Takuto Asakura Grounding Mathematical Identifiers invited talk by visiting researcher
04. 07. 2022 Katja Bercic Mathematical Data invited talk by visiting researcher
07. 07. 2022 Sven Wille Interactive Theorem Proving in MMT MSc thesis presentation
14. 07. 2022 Moritz Blöcher Towards Functional Programming in LATIN2 BSc thesis presentation
21. 07. 2022 Navid Roux A Framework for Diagram Operators MSc thesis presentation: slides, thesis
28. 07. 2022 Tobias Völk, Philip Kaludercic Designing a Text Protocol for the Game of Kalah joint seminar presentation
For the record: WS 2021/2022
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
21. 10. 2021 Kohlhase, Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
28. 10. 2021 Annika Schmidt Modular Formalization of Set Theory MSc thesis presentation
04. 11. 2021 Moritz Blöcher Derived Inference Rules in LATIN BSc project presentation
11. 11. 2021 John Schihada Knowledge-Based Physics Simulation MSc thesis presentation
18. 11. 2021 Alexander Steen Introduction Automated Reasoning Juridicum, parallel event
25. 11. 2021 cancelled    
02. 12. 2021 Dennis Müller Combining Statistical Machine Learning and Inductive Logic Programming a general talk inspired by his 6 month visit at Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
09. 12. 2021 Max Rapp Formalizing Argumentation Logics PhD thesis progress talk
moved to 5pm, 20. 12. 2021 Ivo Junior Interfacing Mathematical Human-Computer Interactions by Using the Grammatical Logical Inference Framework BSc. Presentation
23. 12. 2021 cancelled    
06. 01. 2022 cancelled    
13. 01. 2022 Fabian Brinkmann Algebraic Language Theory  
20. 01. 2022 Tim Friederich A Semantic Search Engine for Quality Management BSc thesis presentation
27. 01. 2022 cancelled    
03. 02. 2022 Names in DRT Michael Kohlhase  
10. 02. 2022 Chase Ford Coalgebra part of collaboration with Inf 8 group
For the record: Seminarplan SS21
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
14. 04. 2021 Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
21. 04. 2021 14:45-16:15 Sven Wille Towards an interactive proof system for MMT MSc. proj. presentation
29. 04. 2021 cancelled    
06. 05. 2021 Kohlhase, Rabe How to give a talk?  
13. 05. 2021 holiday    
20. 05. 2021 Kohlhase, Rabe How to read a paper?  
27. 05. 2021 Rabe Type-Dependent Equality practice talk for CICM
03. 06. 2021 holiday    
10. 06. 2021 Wagner, Rabe OEIS in MMT guided discussion of open problem
17. 06. 2021 Rabe (moderator) Big Math and the One-Brain Barrier reading group
24. 06. 2021 Jonas Betzendahl Formalising and Proving with Sudokus  
01. 07. 2021 Navid Roux Systematic Translation of Formalizations of Type Theory from Intrinsic to Extrinsic Style practice talk for LFMTP
08. 07. 2021 Roman Hucke DOL and OntoHub seminar talk
15. 07. 2021 Johannes Westphal GLIF seminar talk
For the record: Seminarplan WS2021
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
04. 11. 2020 Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
11. 11. 2020 Kohlhase, Rabe How to read a scientific paper?  
18. 11. 2020 Kohlhase, Rabe How to give a scientific talk?  
25. 11. 2020   entfällt  
02. 12. 2020 Jonas Betzendahl Formalizing Undefinedness: A survey  
09. 12. 2020 Michael Banken Theory Intersection Msc. thesis presentation
16. 12. 2020 Jan Frederik Schaefer Prototyping NLU Pipelines – A Type-Theoretical Framework Msc. thesis presentation (slides, thesis)
23. 12. 2020 entfällt    
13. 01. 2021 Christian Cerny Term Generation in MMT BSc. thesis presentation
20. 01. 2021 Markus Wich Autoformalization of Mathematics slides, manuscript
27. 01. 2021 Navid Roux A Beginner’s Guide to Logical Relations for a Logical Framework slides, manuscript, underlying paper
03. 02. 2021 Sebastian Weber The UFrameIT Project manuscript
10. 02. 2021 Max Rapp Sequent Calculi for Argumentation and/or Adaptive Logics  
For the record: Seminarplan SS20
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
22. 04. 2020 Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
22. 04. 2020 Navid Roux Functorial Diagram Operators  
29. 04. 2020 Kohlhase Themenvergabe, Workshop-Vortrag  
06. 05. 2020 —- fällt aus  
13. 05. 2020 Benjamin Bösl FrameIT: A Logic-Based Framework for Serious Games  
20. 05. 2020 Tom Wiesing Interactions between aspects of Tetrapodal Mathematics on MathHub Slides
27. 05. 2020 Dennis Müller From Informal to Formal Mathematics  
03. 06. 2020 Benjamin Gorny Knowledge Representation in DeepMind  
10. 06. 2020 entfällt    
17. 06. 2020 entfällt    
24. 06. 2020 Jan Frederik Schaefer ELPI and MMT  
01. 07. 2020 Jan Frederik Schaefer GLIF/Jupyter  
08. 07. 2020 entfällt    
15. 07. 2020 Annika Schmidt Curry Howard Isomorphism  
22. 07. 2020 Pascal Zoleko A Symbolic Approach to Job Recommendation.  
29. 07. 2020 Florian Stangl Something about Jupyther  
For the record: Seminarplan WS19/20
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
16. 10. 2019 Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
23. 10. 2019 Michael Kohlhase How to read scientific articles  
30. 10. 2019 - no seminar  
6. 11. 2019 Rabe/Kohlhase How to give a talk  
13. 11. 2019 Max Rapp Formalising the Law in Theory Graphs  
20. 11. 2019 Florian Rabe Intermediate Language for Formalization  
27. 11. 2019 Florian Rabe Category of Theories, Diagram Operators  
4. 12. 2019 Katja Berčič Research data in mathematics: taking the high road  
11. 12. 2019 no seminar  
18. 12. 2019 Christoph Alt Formula Search for the nLab  
8. 1. 2020 no seminar  
15. 1. 2020 Takuto Asakura (NII Tokyo) Towards Grounding of Formulae in Mathematical Objects  
22. 1. 2020 Navid Roux Composition of Programming Languages  
29. 1. 2020 no seminar  
5. 2. 2020 no seminar  
For the record: Seminarplan SS2019
Datum Sprecher Thema Notiz
24.4. 2019 Rabe Admin, Themenvergabe  
1. 5. 2019 - Maifeiertag  
8. 5. 2019 Richard Marcus 3D Visualization of Theory Graphs  
15. 5. 2019 Michael Torpey (St. Andrews) Persistent Memoization between Computer Algebra Systems  
22. 5. 2019 - entfaellt  
29. 5. 2019 - Christi Himmelfahrt  
5. 6. 2019 Marcel Rupprecht Visualization of Theory Graphs  
12. 6. 2019 Frederik Schaefer GF + MMT = GLF - From Language to Semantics Through LF  
19. 6. 2019 - entfaellt  
26. 6. 2019 Tom Wiesing Integrating semantic mathematical documents and dynamic notebooks  
3. 7. 2019 Jonas Beyer Morphoid Type Theory  
10. 7. 2019 - entfaellt  
*15. 7. 2019, 14:00 Navid Roux Refactoring Theory Graphs in KM Systems (Raum 11.139) BSc thesis presentation: slides, thesis
*17. 7. 2019 Kathrin Horsting Somthing with WissKI Cauerstraße 4, Raum 0.332
24. 7. 2019 - entfaellt  
For the record: Seminarplan SS2018
Datum Sprecher Thema  
11. 4. 2018 Michael Kohlhase Admin, Themenvergabe
18.4. 2018 Entfällt    
25. 4. 2018 Michael Kohlhase How to read scientific articles  
2. 5. 2018 Entfällt    
9. 5. 2018 Michael Kohlhase ALMANAC: Argumentation Logics Manager & Argument Context Graph  
16. 5. 2018 Entfällt    
23. 5. 2018 Dennis Müller Records as Types  
30. 5. 2018 Entfällt    
6. 6. 2018 Frederik Schaefer Math in GF  
13. 6. 2018 Makarius Wenzel (Augsburg) Isabelle/jEdit as IDE for domain-specific formal languages and informal text documents  
20. 6. 2018 Entfällt    
27. 6. 2018 Alpcan Dalga OpenMath & SCSCP  
4. 7. 2018 Martin Holzwarth Framing  
11. 7. 2018 Jonny Schäfer  
For the record: Seminarplan WS2017/18
Datum Sprecher Thema
25. 10. 2017 Michael Kohlhase How to read scientific articles
1. 11. 2017 Allerheiligen ——
8. 11. 2017 Tom Wiesing Virtual Theories as a Uniform Interface to Mathematical Data Sources
15. 11. 2017 Michael Kohlhase Knowledge-Based Interoperability for Mathematical Software Systems
22. 11. 2017 —– —–
29. 11. 2017 Theresa Pollinger Model Knowledge Representation for HPC
6. 12. 2017 —– —–
13. 12. 2017 —– —–
20. 12. 2017 Michael Kohlhase Visual structure in math vexpressions.
10. 1. 2018 Florian Rabe String Interpolation in MMT
24. 1. 2018 Frederik Schäfer Weak Type Theory
31. 1. 2018 —- ——